Excerpts from: Americanism Redux: December 21, on the journey to the American Founding, 250 years ago today, in 1773
The Boston Tea Party occurs as a last-resort of colonial protestors on December 16, 1773. One of the leaders, Joseph Warren, believes a consensus can still be built between England and its American colonies. An unknown author known only as “A Ranger” offers a dire warning and recommendation.
An enslaved black man named Nat makes his bid for freedom in Virginia, while a book by anti-slavery commentator Granville Sharp is sold for the first time by a pair of Philadelphia booksellers and printers.
Americanism Redux, a series by historian author, Dr. Dan Miller, explores what Americanism meant 250 years ago and its significance for America today. Visit Dr Dan Miller’s website>

Reference: The Remnant Trust Collection
RT Item: #1502. “Emancipation, or Practical Advice to British Slaveholders.” Written by a protege of Granville Sharp, T.S. Winn follows a path first marked out by Sharp’s writings in the 1770s. Sharp’s book sold in Philadelphia in late 1773 enters a colonial marketplace where momentum for altering enslavement is gaining early speed.
View The Remnant Trust “Wisdom of the Ages Athenaeum PDF for reference