Discourses Concerning Government by Algernon Sidney

First Edition. Algernon Sidney’s “Discourses Concerning Government” was published from his original manuscript in 1698. Written between 1680 and 1683, it was not published until 1698, after Sidney was executed in 1683 for his involvement in the Rye House Plot with his papers including the “Discourses,” being used against him. “Discourses” was written as a response to “Patriarcha” by Robert Filmer, who defended the divine right of the monarchy. Sidney thought absolute monarch was a political evil and opposed the Divine Rights of Kings because people were often persecuted and imprisoned under the system.
Sidney believed individuals had the right to govern themselves and choose their rulers as the government power comes from the people. While Sidney lost his life for his beliefs, his words and his works ring true to the thoughts of liberty making it very well read among the revolutionaries. “Discourses” is considered to be one of the intellectual foundations of the Declaration of Independence.
TITLE: Discourses Concerning Government by Algernon Sidney
Published: 1698
Catalogue: #0315