Acton University 2024 Event

We were invited by the Acton Institute up in Grand Rapids, Michigan for this year’s Acton University Conference. For a total of four days each June, Acton University brings together over 1,000 people to explore the intellectual foundations of a free society. Thank you to the Acton Institute for inviting us to exhibit many of the historical works from our collection. This year our display included many of Lord Acton’s very own works, a 1611 King James Bible, a 1734 Quran, as well as several documents that have been featured in our salon discussions where we discuss modern topics anchored in classic works. We believe in and support the Acton Institute’s mission of promoting a free and virtuous society characterized by individual liberty and sustained by moral principles and sound economics.

Classical works exhibition included:
  • Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle, 1488
  • The Constitution of Liberty by Friedrich Hayek, 1960
  • The Federalist by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, 1788
  • The Vision; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise, of Dante Alighieri by Dante Alighieri, 1814
  • Summa Theologiae Pars Secunda by Thomas Aquinas, 1472-1475
  • Defensor Pacis by Marsilius of Padua, 1522
  • The Praise of Folie by Desiderius Erasmus, 1549
  • Gospel of Matthew by William Tyndale, 1536
  • The Institution of Christian Religion by John Calvin, 1578
  • The Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity by Richard Hooker, 1593
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 1776
  • The Constitution or Frame of Government by John Adams, 1787
  • Liberty of a Christian Man by Martin Luther, 1579
  • Letters Concentrating Toleration by John Locke, 1765
  • The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, 1776
  • The Duty of Ministers of the Gospel to Preach the Truth by Jonathan Edwards, 1795
  • The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, 1759
  • Erasmus Greek and Latin New Testament by Johann Froben, 1570
  • Doc. Marti. Luther. Christiana, & incosternata Resposio, Caesaree ̧ maiestati, Principibus & dominis VVormatie facta by Martin Luther, 1521
  • Journal of the First Session of the Senate of the United States of America, 1789
  • Quran, 18th Century
  • Vulgate Bible,  1240-1260
  • King James Bible, 1611
  • Magna Carta, 1350
  • The Song Celestial or Bhagavad-Gita transcribed by Edwin Arnold, 1885
  • A Practical View of the Prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians by William Wilberforce, 1799
  • Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies by Thomas Jefferson, 1829
  • Journals of the Assembly, 1777
  • The History and Freedom of Other Essays by John Acton, 1909
  • Lectures on Modern History, by John Acton, 1907
  • Lectures of the French Revolution by John Acton, 1910
  • Letters of Lord Acton to Mary by John Acton, 1904
  • Lord Acton and His Circle by Abigail Abbot Bailey, 1906