Featured Works

Our collection is composed of renowned works that are recognized around the world. Many of these works have had a profound effect on the world and how we think today.


Liberty & Dignity

Mathematics & Science




Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle

Featured WorkRubricated Manuscript on Paper in Latin. This volume is a translation of Leonardo Bruni transcribed by an unrecorded scribe, Guillaume-Henri, citizen of Embrun at Carpentras in France. The work is presumed to be dedicated to Aristotle's father or his...

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Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Featured Work Sixth Edition, printed in the same year as the first edition. This is one of the earliest non-Philadelphia printings. Thomas Paine published "Common Sense" anonymously on January 10, 1776. In "Common Sense," Paine made a persuasive case to the Colonists...

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Magna Carta

Featured Work Contains Magna Charta; Statues of the Realm; Register of Writs.  First Issued in 1215 as a result of an angry encounter, on the plains of Runnymeade, between an assembly of Barons and King John over the right of the King to obtain funds from a few...

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The Federalist

Featured Work First Edition. Only Volume II Present. The eighty-five essays, under the pseudonym "Publius", were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. They were designed as political propaganda, not as a treatise of political philosophy. In spite...

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Novanglus by John Adams

Featured Work This collection of political essays, by John Adams, was written in 1774 and 1775 regarding the principal points of controversy between Great Britain and her colonies. Adams used this breadth of knowledge about British history and law to dissect that...

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Featured Works

The Remnant Trust has an actively growing collection of manuscripts, 1st and early edition works dealing with the topics of individual Liberty and human Dignity, some dating as early as 2500 B.C.

They comprise works from several different genres including, but not limited to: Economics, Liberty & Dignity, Mathematics and Science, Philosophy, Politics, and Religion. These works include: ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations’ by Adam Smith, ‘The Declaration of Independence’, ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’ by Mary Wollstonecraft, King James Bible “HE” Version, and ‘The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy’ by Isaac Newton as well as hundreds of others.

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